Token | Value |
[node:field_add_content_block] | Your nurse and surgical team will go over your discharge instructions in detail before you go home. These instructions will include how to care for your surgical incisions, medication to take, activity restrictions and specific concerning signs and symptoms to watch out for at home. You will be discharged with surgical drains. Prior to discharge your nurse will teach you and your family members how to take care of the drains. The drains will be removed in clinic when the output is low enough. All patients will be set up with home visiting nurse services before discharge. These nurses will check on you at home every few days to make sure your are recovering appropriately. Patients who have their surgery are certain Penn hospitals may be able to have their drains removed at home by the visiting nurse. You will be provided with the plastic surgery office phone number as well as contact information for the plastic surgery resident on call in case you have any questions or concerns outside of clinic hours. You will see your plastic surgeon in clinic approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery during your post-operative appointment. |
[node:field_add_content_block:0] | Your nurse and surgical team will go over your discharge instructions in detail before you go home. These instructions will include how to care for your surgical incisions, medication to take, activity restrictions and specific concerning signs and symptoms to watch out for at home. You will be discharged with surgical drains. Prior to discharge your nurse will teach you and your family members how to take care of the drains. The drains will be removed in clinic when the output is low enough. All patients will be set up with home visiting nurse services before discharge. These nurses will check on you at home every few days to make sure your are recovering appropriately. Patients who have their surgery are certain Penn hospitals may be able to have their drains removed at home by the visiting nurse. You will be provided with the plastic surgery office phone number as well as contact information for the plastic surgery resident on call in case you have any questions or concerns outside of clinic hours. You will see your plastic surgeon in clinic approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery during your post-operative appointment. |
[node:field_add_content_block:0:entity] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? > Add Content Block |
[node:field_add_content_block:0:entity:created] | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 11:47 |
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[node:field_add_content_block:0:entity:field_text_block] | Your nurse and surgical team will go over your discharge instructions in detail before you go home. These instructions will include how to care for your surgical incisions, medication to take, activity restrictions and specific concerning signs and symptoms to watch out for at home. You will be discharged with surgical drains. Prior to discharge your nurse will teach you and your family members how to take care of the drains. The drains will be removed in clinic when the output is low enough. All patients will be set up with home visiting nurse services before discharge. These nurses will check on you at home every few days to make sure your are recovering appropriately. Patients who have their surgery are certain Penn hospitals may be able to have their drains removed at home by the visiting nurse. You will be provided with the plastic surgery office phone number as well as contact information for the plastic surgery resident on call in case you have any questions or concerns outside of clinic hours. You will see your plastic surgeon in clinic approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery during your post-operative appointment. |
[node:field_add_content_block:0:entity:uuid] | 644e1ca7-dcf4-4ada-a10e-4c02b2c668f0 |
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[node:field_add_content_block:0:target_revision_id] | 2769 |
[node:author] | tomi |
[node:author:account-name] | tomi |
[node:author:created] | Fri, 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:author:created:fallback] | Fri, 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:author:created:html_date] | 2019-12-20 |
[node:author:created:html_datetime] | 2019-12-20T12:14:02-0500 |
[node:author:created:html_month] | 2019-12 |
[node:author:created:html_time] | 12:14:02 |
[node:author:created:html_week] | 2019-W51 |
[node:author:created:html_year] | 2019 |
[node:author:created:html_yearless_date] | 12-20 |
[node:author:created:long] | Friday, December 20, 2019 - 12:14 |
[node:author:created:medium] | Fri, 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:author:created:raw] | 1576862042 |
[node:author:created:short] | 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:author:created:since] | 5 years 1 month |
[node:author:name] | tomi |
[node:author:display-name] | tomi |
[node:author:edit-url] | |
[node:author:mail] | |
[node:author:last-login] | Thu, 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:author:last-login:fallback] | Thu, 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:author:last-login:html_date] | 2024-10-03 |
[node:author:last-login:html_datetime] | 2024-10-03T14:52:11-0400 |
[node:author:last-login:html_month] | 2024-10 |
[node:author:last-login:html_time] | 14:52:11 |
[node:author:last-login:html_week] | 2024-W40 |
[node:author:last-login:html_year] | 2024 |
[node:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] | 10-03 |
[node:author:last-login:long] | Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 14:52 |
[node:author:last-login:medium] | Thu, 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:author:last-login:raw] | 1727981531 |
[node:author:last-login:short] | 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:author:last-login:since] | 3 months 4 weeks |
[node:author:roles] | authenticated, editor |
[node:author:roles:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:first] | authenticated |
[node:author:roles:join-path] | authenticated/editor |
[node:author:roles:keys] | authenticated, editor |
[node:author:roles:keys:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:keys:first] | authenticated |
[node:author:roles:keys:join-path] | authenticated/editor |
[node:author:roles:keys:last] | editor |
[node:author:roles:keys:reversed] | editor, authenticated |
[node:author:roles:last] | editor |
[node:author:roles:reversed] | editor, authenticated |
[node:author:roles:reversed:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:reversed:first] | editor |
[node:author:roles:reversed:join-path] | editor/authenticated |
[node:author:roles:reversed:keys] | editor, authenticated |
[node:author:roles:reversed:last] | authenticated |
[node:author:url] | |
[node:author:url:absolute] | |
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[node:author:url:args:last] | 3 |
[node:author:url:args:reversed] | 3, user |
[node:author:url:brief] | |
[node:author:url:path] | /user/3 |
[node:author:url:relative] | /index.php/user/3 |
[node:author:url:unaliased] | |
[node:author:url:unaliased:absolute] | |
[node:author:url:unaliased:args] | , user, 3 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:brief] | |
[node:author:url:unaliased:path] | /user/3 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:relative] | /index.php/user/3 |
[node:author:uid] | 3 |
[node:author:role-ids] | 0,1 |
[node:author:role-names] | authenticated,editor |
[node:body] | |
[node:book] | |
[node:book:author:account-name] | admin |
[node:book:author:created] | Tue, 11/26/2019 - 09:09 |
[node:book:author:created:fallback] | Tue, 11/26/2019 - 09:09 |
[node:book:author:created:html_date] | 2019-11-26 |
[node:book:author:created:html_datetime] | 2019-11-26T09:09:02-0500 |
[node:book:author:created:html_month] | 2019-11 |
[node:book:author:created:html_time] | 09:09:02 |
[node:book:author:created:html_week] | 2019-W48 |
[node:book:author:created:html_year] | 2019 |
[node:book:author:created:html_yearless_date] | 11-26 |
[node:book:author:created:long] | Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - 09:09 |
[node:book:author:created:medium] | Tue, 11/26/2019 - 09:09 |
[node:book:author:created:raw] | 1574777342 |
[node:book:author:created:short] | 11/26/2019 - 09:09 |
[node:book:author:created:since] | 5 years 2 months |
[node:book:author:name] | admin |
[node:book:author:display-name] | admin |
[node:book:author:edit-url] | |
[node:book:author:mail] | |
[node:book:author:last-login] | Tue, 07/23/2024 - 15:37 |
[node:book:author:last-login:fallback] | Tue, 07/23/2024 - 15:37 |
[node:book:author:last-login:html_date] | 2024-07-23 |
[node:book:author:last-login:html_datetime] | 2024-07-23T15:37:49-0400 |
[node:book:author:last-login:html_month] | 2024-07 |
[node:book:author:last-login:html_time] | 15:37:49 |
[node:book:author:last-login:html_week] | 2024-W30 |
[node:book:author:last-login:html_year] | 2024 |
[node:book:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] | 07-23 |
[node:book:author:last-login:long] | Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - 15:37 |
[node:book:author:last-login:medium] | Tue, 07/23/2024 - 15:37 |
[node:book:author:last-login:raw] | 1721763469 |
[node:book:author:last-login:short] | 07/23/2024 - 15:37 |
[node:book:author:last-login:since] | 6 months 1 week |
[node:book:author:roles] | authenticated, administrator |
[node:book:author:roles:count] | 2 |
[node:book:author:roles:first] | authenticated |
[node:book:author:roles:join-path] | authenticated/administrator |
[node:book:author:roles:keys] | authenticated, administrator |
[node:book:author:roles:last] | administrator |
[node:book:author:roles:reversed] | administrator, authenticated |
[node:book:author:url] | |
[node:book:author:url:absolute] | |
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[node:book:author:url:brief] | |
[node:book:author:url:path] | /user/1 |
[node:book:author:url:relative] | /index.php/user/1 |
[node:book:author:url:unaliased] | |
[node:book:author:uid] | 1 |
[node:book:author:role-ids] | 0,1 |
[node:book:author:role-names] | authenticated,administrator |
[node:book:parent] | Outline |
[node:book:parent:author] | admin |
[node:book:parent:author:account-name] | admin |
[node:book:parent:author:created] | Tue, 11/26/2019 - 09:09 |
[node:book:parent:author:name] | admin |
[node:book:parent:author:display-name] | admin |
[node:book:parent:author:edit-url] | |
[node:book:parent:author:mail] | |
[node:book:parent:author:last-login] | Tue, 07/23/2024 - 15:37 |
[node:book:parent:author:roles] | authenticated, administrator |
[node:book:parent:author:url] | |
[node:book:parent:author:uid] | 1 |
[node:book:parent:author:role-ids] | 0,1 |
[node:book:parent:author:role-names] | authenticated,administrator |
[node:book:parent:comment-count] | 2 |
[node:book:parent:nid] | 2 |
[node:book:parent:content-type] | Tutorial page |
[node:book:parent:content-type:description] | <em>Books</em> have a built-in hierarchical navigation. Use for handbooks or tutorials. |
[node:book:parent:content-type:edit-url] | |
[node:book:parent:content-type:machine-name] | book |
[node:book:parent:content-type:name] | Tutorial page |
[node:book:parent:content-type:node-count] | 1 |
[node:book:parent:changed] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:parent:changed:fallback] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:parent:changed:html_date] | 2020-06-30 |
[node:book:parent:changed:html_datetime] | 2020-06-30T11:53:13-0400 |
[node:book:parent:changed:html_month] | 2020-06 |
[node:book:parent:changed:html_time] | 11:53:13 |
[node:book:parent:changed:html_week] | 2020-W27 |
[node:book:parent:changed:html_year] | 2020 |
[node:book:parent:changed:html_yearless_date] | 06-30 |
[node:book:parent:changed:long] | Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:parent:changed:medium] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:parent:changed:raw] | 1593532393 |
[node:book:parent:changed:short] | 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:parent:changed:since] | 4 years 7 months |
[node:book:parent:created] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:parent:created:fallback] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:parent:created:html_date] | 2019-11-29 |
[node:book:parent:created:html_datetime] | 2019-11-29T09:52:39-0500 |
[node:book:parent:created:html_month] | 2019-11 |
[node:book:parent:created:html_time] | 09:52:39 |
[node:book:parent:created:html_week] | 2019-W48 |
[node:book:parent:created:html_year] | 2019 |
[node:book:parent:created:html_yearless_date] | 11-29 |
[node:book:parent:created:long] | Friday, November 29, 2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:parent:created:medium] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:parent:created:raw] | 1575039159 |
[node:book:parent:created:short] | 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:parent:created:since] | 5 years 2 months |
[node:book:parent:field_editor_comments:status] | 1 |
[node:book:parent:field_editor_comments:cid] | 15 |
[node:book:parent:field_editor_comments:last_comment_timestamp] | 1593484653 |
[node:book:parent:field_editor_comments:last_comment_uid] | 1 |
[node:book:parent:field_editor_comments:comment_count] | 2 |
[node:book:parent:edit-url] | |
[node:book:parent:langcode] | en |
[node:book:parent:menu-link] | Home |
[node:book:parent:menu-link:edit-url] | |
[node:book:parent:menu-link:menu] | Book Menu |
[node:book:parent:menu-link:title] | Home |
[node:book:parent:menu-link:url] | |
[node:book:parent:vid] | 497 |
[node:book:parent:title] | Outline |
[node:book:parent:source:author] | admin |
[node:book:parent:source:comment-count] | 2 |
[node:book:parent:source:nid] | 2 |
[node:book:parent:source:content-type] | Tutorial page |
[node:book:parent:source:changed] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:parent:source:created] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:parent:source:edit-url] | |
[node:book:parent:source:langcode] | en |
[node:book:parent:source:menu-link] | Home |
[node:book:parent:source:vid] | 497 |
[node:book:parent:source:title] | Outline |
[node:book:parent:source:url] | |
[node:book:parent:url] | |
[node:book:parent:url:absolute] | |
[node:book:parent:url:args] | , home |
[node:book:parent:url:brief] | |
[node:book:parent:url:path] | /home |
[node:book:parent:url:relative] | /index.php/home |
[node:book:parent:url:unaliased] | |
[node:book:parents] | Outline |
[node:book:parents:count] | 1 |
[node:book:parents:first] | Outline |
[node:book:parents:join-path] | outline |
[node:book:parents:keys:count] | 1 |
[node:book:parents:last] | Outline |
[node:book:parents:reversed] | Outline |
[node:book:parents:reversed:count] | 1 |
[node:book:parents:reversed:first] | Outline |
[node:book:parents:reversed:join-path] | outline |
[node:book:parents:reversed:last] | Outline |
[node:book:root] | Outline |
[node:book:root:author] | admin |
[node:book:root:author:account-name] | admin |
[node:book:root:author:created] | Tue, 11/26/2019 - 09:09 |
[node:book:root:author:name] | admin |
[node:book:root:author:display-name] | admin |
[node:book:root:author:edit-url] | |
[node:book:root:author:mail] | |
[node:book:root:author:last-login] | Tue, 07/23/2024 - 15:37 |
[node:book:root:author:roles] | authenticated, administrator |
[node:book:root:author:url] | |
[node:book:root:author:uid] | 1 |
[node:book:root:author:role-ids] | 0,1 |
[node:book:root:author:role-names] | authenticated,administrator |
[node:book:root:comment-count] | 2 |
[node:book:root:nid] | 2 |
[node:book:root:content-type] | Tutorial page |
[node:book:root:content-type:description] | <em>Books</em> have a built-in hierarchical navigation. Use for handbooks or tutorials. |
[node:book:root:content-type:edit-url] | |
[node:book:root:content-type:machine-name] | book |
[node:book:root:content-type:name] | Tutorial page |
[node:book:root:content-type:node-count] | 1 |
[node:book:root:changed] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:root:changed:fallback] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:root:changed:html_date] | 2020-06-30 |
[node:book:root:changed:html_datetime] | 2020-06-30T11:53:13-0400 |
[node:book:root:changed:html_month] | 2020-06 |
[node:book:root:changed:html_time] | 11:53:13 |
[node:book:root:changed:html_week] | 2020-W27 |
[node:book:root:changed:html_year] | 2020 |
[node:book:root:changed:html_yearless_date] | 06-30 |
[node:book:root:changed:long] | Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:root:changed:medium] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:root:changed:raw] | 1593532393 |
[node:book:root:changed:short] | 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:root:changed:since] | 4 years 7 months |
[node:book:root:created] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:root:created:fallback] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:root:created:html_date] | 2019-11-29 |
[node:book:root:created:html_datetime] | 2019-11-29T09:52:39-0500 |
[node:book:root:created:html_month] | 2019-11 |
[node:book:root:created:html_time] | 09:52:39 |
[node:book:root:created:html_week] | 2019-W48 |
[node:book:root:created:html_year] | 2019 |
[node:book:root:created:html_yearless_date] | 11-29 |
[node:book:root:created:long] | Friday, November 29, 2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:root:created:medium] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:root:created:raw] | 1575039159 |
[node:book:root:created:short] | 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:root:created:since] | 5 years 2 months |
[node:book:root:field_editor_comments:status] | 1 |
[node:book:root:field_editor_comments:cid] | 15 |
[node:book:root:field_editor_comments:last_comment_timestamp] | 1593484653 |
[node:book:root:field_editor_comments:last_comment_uid] | 1 |
[node:book:root:field_editor_comments:comment_count] | 2 |
[node:book:root:edit-url] | |
[node:book:root:langcode] | en |
[node:book:root:menu-link] | Home |
[node:book:root:menu-link:edit-url] | |
[node:book:root:menu-link:menu] | Book Menu |
[node:book:root:menu-link:title] | Home |
[node:book:root:menu-link:url] | |
[node:book:root:vid] | 497 |
[node:book:root:title] | Outline |
[node:book:root:source:author] | admin |
[node:book:root:source:comment-count] | 2 |
[node:book:root:source:nid] | 2 |
[node:book:root:source:content-type] | Tutorial page |
[node:book:root:source:changed] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
[node:book:root:source:created] | Fri, 11/29/2019 - 09:52 |
[node:book:root:source:edit-url] | |
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[node:book:root:source:menu-link] | Home |
[node:book:root:source:vid] | 497 |
[node:book:root:source:title] | Outline |
[node:book:root:source:url] | |
[node:book:root:url] | |
[node:book:root:url:absolute] | |
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[node:book:root:url:brief] | |
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[node:book:root:url:relative] | /index.php/home |
[node:book:root:url:unaliased] | |
[node:book:title] | Outline |
[node:comment-count] | 3 |
[node:nid] | 28 |
[node:content-type] | Tutorial page |
[node:content-type:description] | <em>Books</em> have a built-in hierarchical navigation. Use for handbooks or tutorials. |
[node:content-type:edit-url] | |
[node:content-type:machine-name] | book |
[node:content-type:name] | Tutorial page |
[node:content-type:node-count] | 1 |
[node:changed] | Thu, 02/13/2020 - 12:56 |
[node:changed:fallback] | Thu, 02/13/2020 - 12:56 |
[node:changed:html_date] | 2020-02-13 |
[node:changed:html_datetime] | 2020-02-13T12:56:08-0500 |
[node:changed:html_month] | 2020-02 |
[node:changed:html_time] | 12:56:08 |
[node:changed:html_week] | 2020-W07 |
[node:changed:html_year] | 2020 |
[node:changed:html_yearless_date] | 02-13 |
[node:changed:long] | Thursday, February 13, 2020 - 12:56 |
[node:changed:medium] | Thu, 02/13/2020 - 12:56 |
[node:changed:raw] | 1581616568 |
[node:changed:short] | 02/13/2020 - 12:56 |
[node:changed:since] | 4 years 11 months |
[node:created] | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 11:41 |
[node:created:fallback] | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 11:41 |
[node:created:html_date] | 2020-01-10 |
[node:created:html_datetime] | 2020-01-10T11:41:39-0500 |
[node:created:html_month] | 2020-01 |
[node:created:html_time] | 11:41:39 |
[node:created:html_week] | 2020-W02 |
[node:created:html_year] | 2020 |
[node:created:html_yearless_date] | 01-10 |
[node:created:long] | Friday, January 10, 2020 - 11:41 |
[node:created:medium] | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 11:41 |
[node:created:raw] | 1578674499 |
[node:created:short] | 01/10/2020 - 11:41 |
[node:created:since] | 5 years |
[node:field_editor_comments] | |
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[node:field_editor_comments:cid] | 86 |
[node:field_editor_comments:last_comment_timestamp] | 1655052020 |
[node:field_editor_comments:last_comment_uid] | 762 |
[node:field_editor_comments:comment_count] | 3 |
[node:edit-url] | |
[node:field_content_image] | ![]() |
[node:field_content_image:alt] | Cartoon of a car leaving the hospital |
[node:field_content_image:card_image] | |
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[node:menu-link] | |
[node:comment-count-new] | |
[node:original] | |
[node:field_related_content] | What Should I Expect After Discharge?, What Should I Expect During My Consultation Appointment? |
[node:field_related_content:0] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:field_add_content_block] | Your nurse and surgical team will go over your discharge instructions in detail before you go home. These instructions will include how to care for your surgical incisions, medication to take, activity restrictions and specific concerning signs and symptoms to watch out for at home. You will be discharged with surgical drains. Prior to discharge your nurse will teach you and your family members how to take care of the drains. The drains will be removed in clinic when the output is low enough. All patients will be set up with home visiting nurse services before discharge. These nurses will check on you at home every few days to make sure your are recovering appropriately. Patients who have their surgery are certain Penn hospitals may be able to have their drains removed at home by the visiting nurse. You will be provided with the plastic surgery office phone number as well as contact information for the plastic surgery resident on call in case you have any questions or concerns outside of clinic hours. You will see your plastic surgeon in clinic approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery during your post-operative appointment. |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:author] | tomi |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:comment-count] | 3 |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:nid] | 28 |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:content-type] | Tutorial page |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:changed] | Thu, 02/13/2020 - 12:56 |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:created] | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 11:41 |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:edit-url] | |
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[node:field_related_content:0:entity:vid] | 493 |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:field_sub_title] | You can expect to leave the hospital with all the tools and support services necessary for a safe and successful recovery. |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:title] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? |
[node:field_related_content:0:entity:url] | |
[node:field_related_content:0:target_id] | 28 |
[node:field_related_content:1] | What Should I Expect During My Consultation Appointment? |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity] | What Should I Expect During My Consultation Appointment? |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:field_add_content_block] | During your consultation appointment, you will
During your consultation, your plastic surgeon
Together with your plastic surgeon, you will select the reconstruction method that is best for you. |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:author] | tomi |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:nid] | 25 |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:content-type] | Tutorial page |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:changed] | Sun, 02/02/2020 - 20:07 |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:created] | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 10:44 |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:edit-url] | |
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[node:field_related_content:1:entity:langcode] | en |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:vid] | 452 |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:field_sub_title] | You can expect to meet members of your surgical team and get information on your reconstruction options. |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:title] | What Should I Expect During My Consultation Appointment? |
[node:field_related_content:1:entity:url] | |
[node:field_related_content:1:target_id] | 25 |
[node:vid] | 493 |
[node:log] | |
[node:field_slide_image] | |
[node:field_sub_title] | You can expect to leave the hospital with all the tools and support services necessary for a safe and successful recovery. |
[node:field_sub_title:value] | You can expect to leave the hospital with all the tools and support services necessary for a safe and successful recovery. |
[node:summary] | |
[node:title] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? |
[node:source] | |
[node:source:field_add_content_block] | Your nurse and surgical team will go over your discharge instructions in detail before you go home. These instructions will include how to care for your surgical incisions, medication to take, activity restrictions and specific concerning signs and symptoms to watch out for at home. You will be discharged with surgical drains. Prior to discharge your nurse will teach you and your family members how to take care of the drains. The drains will be removed in clinic when the output is low enough. All patients will be set up with home visiting nurse services before discharge. These nurses will check on you at home every few days to make sure your are recovering appropriately. Patients who have their surgery are certain Penn hospitals may be able to have their drains removed at home by the visiting nurse. You will be provided with the plastic surgery office phone number as well as contact information for the plastic surgery resident on call in case you have any questions or concerns outside of clinic hours. You will see your plastic surgeon in clinic approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery during your post-operative appointment. |
[node:source:field_add_content_block:0] | Your nurse and surgical team will go over your discharge instructions in detail before you go home. These instructions will include how to care for your surgical incisions, medication to take, activity restrictions and specific concerning signs and symptoms to watch out for at home. You will be discharged with surgical drains. Prior to discharge your nurse will teach you and your family members how to take care of the drains. The drains will be removed in clinic when the output is low enough. All patients will be set up with home visiting nurse services before discharge. These nurses will check on you at home every few days to make sure your are recovering appropriately. Patients who have their surgery are certain Penn hospitals may be able to have their drains removed at home by the visiting nurse. You will be provided with the plastic surgery office phone number as well as contact information for the plastic surgery resident on call in case you have any questions or concerns outside of clinic hours. You will see your plastic surgeon in clinic approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery during your post-operative appointment. |
[node:source:field_add_content_block:0:entity] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? > Add Content Block |
[node:source:field_add_content_block:0:target_id] | 110 |
[node:source:field_add_content_block:0:target_revision_id] | 2769 |
[node:source:author] | tomi |
[node:source:author:account-name] | tomi |
[node:source:author:created] | Fri, 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:source:author:created:fallback] | Fri, 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:source:author:created:html_date] | 2019-12-20 |
[node:source:author:created:html_datetime] | 2019-12-20T12:14:02-0500 |
[node:source:author:created:html_month] | 2019-12 |
[node:source:author:created:html_time] | 12:14:02 |
[node:source:author:created:html_week] | 2019-W51 |
[node:source:author:created:html_year] | 2019 |
[node:source:author:created:html_yearless_date] | 12-20 |
[node:source:author:created:long] | Friday, December 20, 2019 - 12:14 |
[node:source:author:created:medium] | Fri, 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:source:author:created:raw] | 1576862042 |
[node:source:author:created:short] | 12/20/2019 - 12:14 |
[node:source:author:created:since] | 5 years 1 month |
[node:source:author:name] | tomi |
[node:source:author:display-name] | tomi |
[node:source:author:edit-url] | |
[node:source:author:mail] | |
[node:source:author:last-login] | Thu, 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:source:author:last-login:fallback] | Thu, 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_date] | 2024-10-03 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_datetime] | 2024-10-03T14:52:11-0400 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_month] | 2024-10 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_time] | 14:52:11 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_week] | 2024-W40 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_year] | 2024 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] | 10-03 |
[node:source:author:last-login:long] | Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 14:52 |
[node:source:author:last-login:medium] | Thu, 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:source:author:last-login:raw] | 1727981531 |
[node:source:author:last-login:short] | 10/03/2024 - 14:52 |
[node:source:author:last-login:since] | 3 months 4 weeks |
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[node:source:author:url] | |
[node:source:author:url:absolute] | |
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[node:source:author:url:brief] | |
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[node:source:book:author:account-name] | admin |
[node:source:book:author:created] | Tue, 11/26/2019 - 09:09 |
[node:source:book:author:name] | admin |
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[node:source:book:author:edit-url] | |
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[node:source:book:parent:changed] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
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[node:source:book:root:changed] | Tue, 06/30/2020 - 11:53 |
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[node:source:content-type:description] | <em>Books</em> have a built-in hierarchical navigation. Use for handbooks or tutorials. |
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[node:source:field_content_image:width] | 2048 |
[node:source:langcode] | en |
[node:source:field_related_content] | What Should I Expect After Discharge?, What Should I Expect During My Consultation Appointment? |
[node:source:field_related_content:0] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? |
[node:source:field_related_content:0:entity] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? |
[node:source:field_related_content:0:target_id] | 28 |
[node:source:field_related_content:1] | What Should I Expect During My Consultation Appointment? |
[node:source:field_related_content:1:entity] | What Should I Expect During My Consultation Appointment? |
[node:source:field_related_content:1:target_id] | 25 |
[node:source:vid] | 493 |
[node:source:field_sub_title] | You can expect to leave the hospital with all the tools and support services necessary for a safe and successful recovery. |
[node:source:field_sub_title:value] | You can expect to leave the hospital with all the tools and support services necessary for a safe and successful recovery. |
[node:source:title] | What Should I Expect After Discharge? |
[node:source:url] | |
[node:source:url:absolute] | |
[node:source:url:args] | , what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:source:url:args:count] | 1 |
[node:source:url:args:first] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:source:url:args:join-path] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:source:url:args:last] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:source:url:args:reversed] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:source:url:brief] | |
[node:source:url:path] | /what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:source:url:relative] | /index.php/what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:source:url:unaliased] | |
[node:source:url:unaliased:absolute] | |
[node:source:url:unaliased:args] | , node, 28 |
[node:source:url:unaliased:brief] | |
[node:source:url:unaliased:path] | /node/28 |
[node:source:url:unaliased:relative] | /index.php/node/28 |
[node:url] | |
[node:url:absolute] | |
[node:url:args] | , what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:args:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:first] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:args:join-path] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:args:keys:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:last] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:args:reversed] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:args:reversed:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:reversed:first] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:args:reversed:join-path] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:args:reversed:last] | what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:brief] | |
[node:url:path] | /what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:relative] | /index.php/what-should-i-expect-after-discharge |
[node:url:unaliased] | |
[node:url:unaliased:absolute] | |
[node:url:unaliased:args] | , node, 28 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:count] | 2 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:first] | node |
[node:url:unaliased:args:join-path] | node/28 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:keys] | 0, 1 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:last] | 28 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:reversed] | 28, node |
[node:url:unaliased:brief] | |
[node:url:unaliased:path] | /node/28 |
[node:url:unaliased:relative] | /index.php/node/28 |
[node:webform] |