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About PennBRA

PennBRA is an educational portal dedicated to educating patients diagnosed with breasts cancer about their options for reconstruction. It is an up to date resource focusing on the pre and post operative course associated with breast reconstruction. It is supported by a grant from the Center of Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.

Olatomide (Tomi) Familusi, MD, MS

Dr. Familusi is a 4th year intergrated plastic surgery resident at the University of Pennsylvania. She has a strong passion for patient education and advocacy. Her clinical interests include breast reconstruction, facial aesthetics and body contouring. She is responsible for the content and development of the PennBra Portal.  

Elizabeth Card, BS

Elizabeth Card is a 4th year medical student at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a medical illustrator with plans to pursue a residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery. She has a strong passion for patient education and is responsible for the illustration and development of the PennBRA portal. 

Joshua Fosnot, MD

Dr. Fosnot is an Assistant professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania and Program Director of the Penn Plastic Surgery residency. He served as principal investigator on the Center for Human Appearance Grant that supported the development of the PennBra Portal.



Special thanks to Kathleen Lee, MD., Audrey Nguyen, MD., Chris Kalmar, MD., Natalie Plana, MD., and New Media Solutions for their contributions.

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